What Do You Need to Know Before Going for Axe Throwing?

Throwing an axe is similar to painting a picture, where there is no one way to do it. Just as with painting, there are specific steps that you need to follow to achieve the desired results. To improve your axe-throwing skills, we have compiled a list of tips, safety guidelines, and advanced techniques you need to know before going to an axe-throwing game!

Essential Tips to Consider Before You for This Thrilling Adventure

It doesn't matter if you are going alone, with friends, or on a romantic date; axe throwing game is different from what you casually do when hanging out.

It is an action-fueled thrill in which you can make new memories and burn calories. So, even if it is a safe game, you need to know some points before you begin to play!

Here are some tips that you can use to keep the fuel going!

Safety protocols:

The safety rules you need to follow for axe throwing involve being mindful of your environment, ensuring all participants are in the designated safety area, and wearing suitable attire and protective equipment. You must never throw an axe with someone behind you and properly grip it before releasing it for accuracy and control.

Watch out for people and obstacles: 

You must always be cautious of people and obstacles before throwing your axe. Ensure that no one is on your way when you hit your target. Stand at a safe distance of eight to ten feet away. It is essential to double-check your surroundings before throwing, even if you are experienced. Maintain a six-foot radius around yourself to prevent any potential harm to others.

Wear the right clothes:

You must wear the correct type of clothing when using a swing. We suggest you wear steel-toed boots to protect your feet from stray swings. Avoid wearing loose or baggy clothes that could get caught in the swing, and consider wearing gloves to prevent blisters and splinters.

Avoid swinging in the dark:

You must avoid swinging in the dark as it is not a wise decision. Chopping wood without proper lighting, even with a headtorch, can lead to accidents due to the distortion of our spatial perception.

Never use an axe when tired:

You must avoid using an axe when tired, as accidents may happen. After a prolonged and tiring day, if you use an axe, it can be risky for your health as well. So you must recognise when fatigue comes in and put the axe down for the day, knowing that the work can always be completed later when you are well-rested.

Store an axe after use:

To ensure safety, you must adequately store an axe, as leaving it lying around or leaning against a wall can lead to accidents. At home, consider keeping it in a designated box or hanging it securely to prevent damage to the blade or potential harm to others. In a natural setting, such as the bush, placing the axe in a hollowed log or tree trunk or securely swinging it into a chopping block for safekeeping is recommended.

Choose the right weighted axe:

Make sure you select the correct weight of the axe for the task at hand. While a heavier felling axe can keep you at a safer distance from the impact point, it may also be more challenging to handle. On the other hand, a lighter hatchet allows for more precision but places your hand closer to the danger area. Consider your safety and comfort before purchasing an axe.


If you plan to try this exciting activity, you can book your session at Lumberjaxe, Australia. We make sure all our axes are sharp and well-maintained to provide a top-quality experience. Thus, axe throwing is a safe and thrilling activity, whether you are an experienced competitor or trying it for the first time.


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